DOE publishes RFI for renewable propane production technologies

The Department of Energy (DOE) has released a Request for Information (RFI) to better understand renewable propane and other renewable gaseous intermediates supply chains and uses. Industry and other stakeholders involved in renewable propane production can respond to the RFI on Renewable Propane Production Technologies and Uses until Aug. 5, 2024.

The DOE will use RFI feedback to gauge how viable propane is for production pathways to sustainable aviation fuels and other high-impact products. Currently, propane accounts for approximately 1% of the United States’ total energy consumption. Renewable propane has recently become a byproduct or product in the biofuels sector from materials such as:

Municipal waste.

Agricultural residue.

Forest resources.




For example, when hydroprocessing biogenic fats, oils and greases, propane is removed as a byproduct, accounting for 5% of its weight. Further hydrotreatment may yield additional propane and other gaseous intermediates. To capitalize on propane as a renewable energy source, the DOE is seeking information on what technologies exist to produce propane and other gases from renewable feedstocks.

The RFI will also collect information on the costs and benefits of hydroprocessing refineries for fats, oils and greases that use renewable propane produced on-site instead of selling the propane on the market. The RFI will include questions separated into two categories:

Category 1 includes nine questions pertaining to propane and other gaseous intermediates production from hydroprocessing biogenic fats, oils and greases

Category 2 includes three questions on producing propane and other gaseous intermediates from municipal waste, agricultural residue and forest residues.

Responses must be submitted electronically to as email attachments. Any attachments that exceed 25 megabits should be compressed and provided as Microsoft Word documents.

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