Palm Beach County seeks proposals for transportation master plan

A major county on Florida’s Atlantic coast is looking to revamp its transportation system. Palm Beach County has issued a Request for Proposals to develop a new Countywide Transportation Master Plan (CTMP), seeking consultants with experience in large metropolitan areas to create an integrated, multimodal transportation network across municipal boundaries. 

The county is specifically looking for firms that have worked in metropolitan areas with populations of at least 1.5 million and geographical areas comparable to Palm Beach County’s 1,977 square miles, Mass Transit magazine reported. This requirement ensures the selected consultant will have experience with transportation challenges similar to those faced in South Florida. 

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The CTMP will establish a coordinated planning framework that allows individual cities such as West Palm Beach and Boca Raton to maintain autonomy while ensuring regional transportation corridors work together effectively. A key component of the plan is intergovernmental coordination of land use and transportation projects that considers both mobility needs and development patterns. 

The master plan will serve as a foundation that municipalities can build upon, allowing them to adopt or update their specific improvement plans while maintaining consistency with the broader regional vision. This flexibility enables communities to select recommendations that address their unique needs while ensuring major transportation corridors are coordinated across municipal boundaries. 

Interested consultants can access the RFP documents through Palm Beach County’s Vendor Self-Service Registration System by searching for “Countywide Transportation Master Plan” in the published solicitations section. 

Photo courtesy Palm Tran media library, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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