Massachusetts approves $600 million for rail and station upgrades

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority have voted on an agreement to invest $600 million in rail and station upgrades intended to improve safety and reliability.  The MassDOT and the MBTA boards of directors vote also established the Rail Reliability Program (RRP) and the Station Accessibility and Resiliency (STAR) Program, […]

EPA awards Port of Oakland $322 million for zero-emissions upgrades

The Port of Oakland in Oakland, California will spend approximately $500 million to fast track the Oakland Seaport’s conversion to being nearly 100% zero emissions.  The project is being powered by a $322 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, with matching funds from port and local contributions.  The grant will finance zero-emissions equipment upgrades, […]

Tennessee investing over $100 million to bridge digital divide, expand broadband service

Tennessee is investing over $100 million to bridge the state’s digital divide and enhance economic, workforce and healthcare opportunities for its residents.  The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) is announcing $101.6 million in funding to support statewide broadband internet expansion and digital literacy education programs.   The funding will support local governments, community […]

Brooklyn Navy Yard seeks partnership for autonomous vehicle pilot program

A historic naval yard could become the next testing ground for self-driving cars. The Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (BNYDC) issued a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to potentially start autonomous vehicle pilot programs that could enhance transportation options within the 300-acre area that contains some industrial facilities as well as bars, restaurants, shopping […]

Washington state launches new programs for finding federal clean energy funding

The Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC) is looking to make the process of bringing clean energy and climate funding opportunities to the state much easier.  DOC is announcing the launch of two programs, the Clean Energy Tax Credit Assistance Program and Grant Writing Assistance Program, that will help connect entities in Washington to identify […]

November bond elections provide many millions in new funding for upcoming projects throughout Texas

Texas voters approved hundreds of millions of dollars in bond proposals on Election Day this past Tuesday. More than 50 cities, counties and school districts put measures before voters to fund projects such as road repairs, facility construction and renovations and public school campus improvements.  The projects that will be funded are significant because Texas […]

USDA investing $3.5 billion for affordable rural energy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing nearly $3.5 billion in a program to help rural communities across the United States lower electricity costs.  Nearly $2.5 billion in financing is being awarded to the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, and the USDA has also selected six rural electric cooperatives to move forward in the awards […]