Artificial Intelligence – A Trend To Watch
Artificial intelligence – to many individuals, it is exciting. Others may find it frightening and to some it could be significantly disruptive. The way you feel about AI likely depends on where you live, how you work, your age and whether or not AI will threaten your career. Autonomous cars and public transit will be controlled by AI in the near future. Big data experts already use AI for analytics and research. Planners, teachers, consultants, law enforcement specialists and physicians are eager to get more help from AI. As artificial intelligence options increase, major changes will occur – especially in the workplace.
Artificial intelligence is driving major changes in the workplace
Artificial intelligence (AI), for many individuals, is exciting. Others may find it frightening and to some it could be significantly disruptive. The way you feel about AI likely depends on where you live, how you work, your age and whether or not AI will threaten your career.
Nabers Makes the Case for Public-Private Partnerships
Growing up in a small, West Texas town outside of Brownwood, Mary Scott Nabers literally grew up with a foot in both the public and private sectors. Her father was Mayor of the town and was also the publisher of five weekly newspapers. She married at the age of 19 and convinced her husband to apply with her to attend law school at Baylor University.
Congress Will Decide Funding For State And Local Water Projects
Here’s something important to watch: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are considering a bipartisan bill to increase the funding available for water infrastructure projects in the future. They are monitoring debate on the reauthorization of the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). The bill under consideration would double the program’s authorized funding to $90 million per project. Simply put, that means that a large project, which could only qualify for $45 million in financial assistance in the past, could qualify for $90 million in assistance in the future.
Contracting opportunities await in Houston with $9.9B approved in bond elections
Private-sector firms interested in beginning 2018 with a pipeline full of upcoming projects should be elated. Hundreds of new projects will be announced soon and almost all will have outsourced contracting opportunities. Now is the time for contractors to begin the process of getting positioned to capture this new business.
Why it’s time to be vocal about private activity bonds
It’s been a contentious week in Congress! The newly minted federal tax reform bill has supporters and detractors and they all have strong opinions.
Get Vocal About PAB Elimination
It’s been a contentious week in Congress! The newly minted federal tax reform bill has supporters and detractors and they all have strong opinions.