Nabers for The Hill: Officials fear hackers may target voting systems as election approaches

The presidential candidates are not the only ones worried about the outcome of the upcoming November general elecshutterstock_429444529tion. With Election Day less than a month away, recent increases in cyberattacks and data breaches have state election officials throughout the country on edge. Voting systems nationwide are in jeopardy and many states are turning to the federal government for help. News reports indicate that voter registration systems in nearly half of all states have been targeted by foreign hackers.  Read more

Nabers for The Hill: Important questions…waiting for answers!

The Great Recession may be over, but fiscal issues in many states are still dire. Public officials at every level of government are also struggling to meet budgets that have not expanded in years.

Smart and Resilient Cities: Support Grows For Continuing, Strengthening EB-5 Program

SPI’s President/CEO Mary Scott Nabers was recently featured on Smart and Resilient Cities discussing the growing support for the congressional reauthorization of the country’s EB-5 Program.

Nabers for Economic Development: Parks not just amenities, but also economic development tools

SPI’s President/CEO Mary Scott Nabers was recently featured on Economic Development blog discussing use of ‪green spaces ability to recruit business and industry to a given area and positively affect the city’s ‪‎economic growth.

Smart & Resilient Cities: Unique Collaborations Create New Value For Communities

Unique collaborations between the public and private sector are redeveloping vacant big box stores, often referred to as “ghostboxes,” into valuable public assets such as libraries, wellness centers, museums, educational facilities and more.

Smart & Resilient Cities: Public Transit Agencies Collaborating With Private Sector Firms

The FTA recently launched a new program called the Mobility on Demand (MOD) sandbox, signaling a shift in public transportation. It encourages and incentivizes ridesharing companies to collaborate and work with public transit authorities.

Infrastructure USA: Pension funds make billions available for infrastructure projects

According to a recent report, the top 10 public pension funds quadrupled their investments in infrastructure in the last five years – to more than $17 billion. At the end of the first quarter of this year, the number of public pension funds investing in unlisted infrastructure funds rose 12 percent from last year and 76 percent from five years ago.