Government Leaders Are Beginning To Turn To Collaborative Joint Ventures For Water Projects

Water utilities in the U.S. were once operated almost completely by private companies. That began to change when Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and other large cities expanded in the late 19th century. Water utilities failed to manage the increased demand and government leaders stepped up to assume responsibility for adequate water resources. That’s been the case for decades, but now water problems are critical again. Most water experts believe another change is imminent.

A storm is brewing – it should be carefully monitored

Government funding is tight at every jurisdictional level, but there is a huge disconnect between available funding at the state level compared to the local levels of government. That disparity is causing strains that may soon play out in ways that are negative for taxpayers and citizens.

Port Infrastructure Construction on the Rise

Strange as it might seem, the threat of administration-imposed tariffs has not slowed investment in America’s ports. The extremely large megaships are coming through the Suez Canal headed to America and U.S. ports will be ready.  Most are already engaged in making upgrades, performing maintenance, expanding to facilitate the larger ships and constructing new storage facilities. Many have already deepened shipping channels, built new locks and invested in larger cranes and other facilities. This is all happening because the new and larger neo-Panamax ships can transport 10,000 or more containers.

America’s Ports: another infrastructure marketplace that is more than robust

Strange as it might seem, the threat of administration-imposed tariffs has not slowed investment in America’s ports. The extremely large megaships are coming through the Suez Canal headed to America and U.S. ports will be ready. Most are already engaged in making upgrades, performing maintenance, expanding to facilitate the larger ships and constructing new storage facilities. Many have already deepened shipping channels, built new locks and invested in larger cranes and other facilities. This is all happening because the new and larger neo-Panamax ships can transport 10,000 or more containers.

Modernizing Technology

Something significant happened at the end of 2017.

The federal government signed into law the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act. This signals a massive trend that will sweep the country, touch every state and every jurisdictional level of government. Big changes are coming that will create huge new opportunities for companies that provide technology and services.  Government must modernize its old, outdated legacy systems with new and upgraded technology.

Renewable Energy Projects – Escalating Quickly to Create Huge Marketplace

Although somewhat guarded because the Trump administration’s energy policies appear to favor fossil fuels, cities and states remain steadfast in their efforts to lower carbon emissions as they continue to embrace sustainability and renewable energy.