Why it’s best to not overlook regional airports
Although large airport projects dominate the news, smaller regional airports are announcing numerous immediate upcoming projects. Record growth at regional airports along with projections that the growth will continue for decades is driving expansion, upgrades, and new construction. Many of the projects are quite large. The smaller, but crucial, airports are significant economic drivers which are critical to regional growth. Support for the expansion of these types of facilities is significant at all levels of government.
Watch The Utility Marketplace — Huge Changes Are Occurring!
Public utilities are under extreme pressure and their needs, which fall into the critical category, are common.
Almost every public system that supplies citizens with electricity, gas, water, and sewage services is old. They suffer from the decline that comes with age, deferred maintenance, and the failure to upgrade as technology and needs evolve. Utility officials, like most other government leaders, are being asked to do more with less. That makes it extremely difficult to perform and terribly frustrating to endure.
Although the federal government shutdown has dominated media headlines for more than a month, another subject – a cornerstone of the Trump presidential campaign – is sneaking its way back into the news. Trump’s proposed multi-billion-dollar infrastructure plan was expected to be a signature priority during the new administration’s first 100 days. Two years later, […]
Transportation infrastructure is bearing much of the brunt of the government shutdown
The longest government shutdown in history continues and the impact has spread far beyond government workers and their families. It is difficult to find any business, school, hospital, city, county, college, university or local government organization that is not suffering as a result of the shutdown. The negative impact on retail establishments of all types, farmers, contractors, social service organizations and citizen workers has been great as well. It strikes at the heart of the country’s economic stability and it is devastating for issues related to the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.
The longest government shutdown in history continues and the impact has spread far beyond government workers and their families. It is difficult to find any business, school, hospital, city, county, college, university or local government organization that is not suffering as a result of the shutdown. The negative impact on retail establishments of all types, […]
Looking for engineering and construction opportunities? Look no further than ports! Investment in America’s ports is accelerating significantly and port spending will increase again in 2019. Because of the neo-Panamax megaships, ports throughout the country are expanding shipping channels and harbors. They are also expanding rail lines and constructing new facilities or significantly expanding older […]
Nabers for InfraUSA: Interested in new contracting opportunities totaling almost $49 billion? Check it out …right here!
Tax breaks are universally coveted! And, tax incentives attached to investments in government projects have attracted the attention of investors and developers.
Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced eagerly awaited proposed regulations and guidelines for a program that trades tax incentives for investments in projects in underserved communities in the nation’s 8,700 new Opportunity Zones.