Funding from a multitude of sources will boost campus construction in 2019

Growth and change are descriptors common to colleges and universities throughout the country. That’s where the focus is…but managing the two is almost impossible without an abundance of human effort and financial investment. It would be hard to find individuals anywhere who disagree with the importance of higher education, but public funding has not kept […]

Demand for public safety technology has created one of the country’s hottest marketplaces

People in law enforcement have been under siege throughout the country for the past several years. Criticism comes from citizens who aren’t satisfied with the norm and want more protection. Angst, anger and fear are also evident from citizens who believe law enforcement officers are often bigoted and/or overly violent or impulsive. Frustrated public officials […]

Artificial intelligence now a trusted partner in emergency situations

Sometimes bad things happen…and lately, a number of calamities have stretched emergency operations almost to the brink of failure.  Lives have been lost and damages have resulted in horrifically high costs. Natural disasters are on the increase, affecting millions of people. Rivers tend to flood when there is heavy rain, hurricanes cause unprecedented damage, wildfires […]

Urban Park upgrades will result in thousands of new contracting opportunities in 2019

Hard to believe…but spending on urban parks is up 30 percent over last year.  At least that is what the U.S. Department of Commerce reports. This statistic is important because it represents millions of dollars of new contracting opportunities for companies from almost every industry sector. Today’s municipal parks are treasured city assets. Most are […]

Major repairs and upgrades to U.S. utility infrastructure scheduled to begin in 2019

 2018 has been a year of devastation! Wildfires in California, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes and gas line explosions were horrific.  The carnage was great and public infrastructure assets were significantly impacted.

Another disruptive and transformative technology? That appears to be the case!

Blockchain technology is relatively new. However, it is having a widespread impact on state and local governments… and, it is likely to impact citizens and taxpayers in the very near future. Public officials and industry executives are now claiming that blockchain may first be transformative in the energy sector. If that’s true, it is important […]

Better get ready to ride in a driverless vehicle in 2019

2018 was supposed to be a banner year for self-driving cars – or autonomous vehicles.  It didn’t happen! After pedestrian deaths in March, both Uber and Tesla scaled back significantly on initiatives that were on a fast track. The future for self-driving vehicles looked even bleaker after 50 percent of 25,000 consumers surveyed globally said […]