Automation and Innovation are driving hundreds of new modernization projects

Welcome to the future! Public transportation is evolving so rapidly that it feels as if travel options are changing faster than ever thought possible. New ride options are abundant, and everything is being done to provide convenience. In many parts of the country, affordable housing and new communities are being created near transit loading stations. […]

City and County Officials Launch Multi-Million Dollar Economic Development Projects Across the U.S.

Cities and counties throughout the U.S. are launching economic development initiatives that will generate new sources of revenue for government coffers. Projects of all types are currently underway, and many more initiatives designed to boost economic vitality are in the planning stages. Funding support is available from more than a dozen federal programs that offer […]

An immediate need exists for contractors interested in alternative health care facilities

An immediate need exists for contractors interested in alternative health care facilities Public officials in every major city in America are dealing with responsibilities related to mental health issues of a portion of its citizens.  County leaders in heavily populated regions are also dealing with the same problems.  Their issues and challenges related to mental […]

Sustainability projects are launching at local levels of government throughout America

Sustainability has been a global goal for over five decades, but today’s conversations about sustainability are more robust than ever. Government leaders everywhere are launching initiatives that preserve systems, structures, safety and the planet. There are so many funding programs for sustainability projects it’s difficult to list them all. A few agencies with large amounts […]

Massive $1 billion in funding now available for remediation projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced more than $1 billion in funding for 110 Superfund projects. The upcoming project sites are scattered throughout the country. All locations are contaminated by industrial waste, and remediation is critically needed. Usually, the agency orders the responsible party to remediate the site, but when no party can […]

Federal earmarks will fund local projects throughout America

Most people have heard about earmarks, but only a few citizens really pay attention to them. That should not be the case. The term earmark refers to federal spending for a specific project for a particular congressional district, locality or state. Members of Congress request this type of funding. In the most recent federal budget, […]

‘Connecting Communities’ funding is available… but public officials should not wait to seek it

Last week, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced $3.33 billion in grant funding for 132 projects. The revenue will flow from the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program and the Neighborhood Access and Equity Program. This funding is allocated for projects that reconnect communities that were cut off and/or divided by transportation infrastructure decades ago. It is […]