Nabers for The Health Care Blog: Health Care-Related Public-Private Partnerships Will Likely Become the Norm in 2019

The United States ranks number one in the world for health care spending as a percentage of GDP. That sounds great… but, for instance, Texas ranks only 11th worldwide when it comes to performance. That’s because of access to care.

Health care-related public-private partnerships will likely become the norm in 2019

The United States ranks number one in the world for health care spending as a percentage of GDP.  That sounds great… but, Texas ranks only 11th worldwide when it comes to performance.  That’s because of “access to care.” The country’s health care rankings are likely to get worse as 673 rural hospitals in the U.S. […]

Government leaders are beginning to turn to collaborative joint ventures for water projects

Water utilities in the United States were once operated almost completely by private companies. That began to change when Boston, New York, Los Angeles and other large cities expanded in the late 19th century.  Water utilities failed to manage the increased demand and government leaders stepped up to assume responsibility for adequate water resources. That’s been […]

Port Infrastructure Construction on the Rise

Strange as it might seem, the threat of administration-imposed tariffs has not slowed investment in America’s ports. The extremely large megaships are coming through the Suez Canal headed to America and U.S. ports will be ready.  Most are already engaged in making upgrades, performing maintenance, expanding to facilitate the larger ships and constructing new storage facilities. Many have already deepened shipping channels, built new locks and invested in larger cranes and other facilities. This is all happening because the new and larger neo-Panamax ships can transport 10,000 or more containers.

Want To Save On Taxes? Check Out Opportunity Zone Investments!

Now that the rhetoric and the debate over passage of the federal tax bill have subsided, one component of that legislation is getting lots of attention. That would be “Opportunity Zones.”

In June, the U.S. Department of the Treasury approved the final round selection efforts for designated opportunity zones. This new program allows investors to avoid capital gains tax by socking away profits by investing opportunity funds in designated zones throughout the country.

FTA’s PIPP aims to promote P3s in public transportation projects

Federal Infrastructure Plan still languishes a year and a half after it was touted as “coming very soon” by the Trump administration. However, one key segment of the plan got a boost this week from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).